Liney for the Pliny! Or, Presidents and Their Beer

courtesy Haven's facebook page.

Haven Gastropub’s line. Facial hair required! The lady with an Abraham Lincoln beard FTW!

Our founding fathers would be proud. Standing in line for one of the biggest hype…oops “Hop” bombs on the market; Russian River Brewing’s Pliny the Younger on Presidents day. Historically, presidents and beer have quite a bit in common. George Washington knew his beer! Here’s a note from our first president on how to make beer:

“To Make Small Beer
Take a large Siffer [Sifter] full of Bran Hops to your Taste. — Boil these 3 hours then strain out 30 Gall[ons] into a cooler put in 3 Gall[ons] Molasses while the Beer is 
Scalding hot or rather draw the Molasses into the cooler & Strain the Beer on it while boiling Hot. let this stand till it is little more than Blood warm then put in a quart of Yeast if the Weather is very Cold cover it over with a Blanket & let it Work in the Cooler 24 hours then put it into the Cask — leave the bung open till it is almost done Working — Bottle it that day Week it was Brewed.”

Jimmy Carter signed HR 1337 back in 1978, a bill that legalized homebrewing beer and wine. I honestly think this sparked the craft beer movement more than anything. Thanks Jimmy!

Obama’s kitchen staff brews their own Honey Ale and Porter made from honey produced by the White House beehive. Obama is quick to share it with guests at his Superbowl party, Saint Patrick’s Day, or with a deserving Medal of Honor winner.

I wonder what kind of line the White House Honey Ale would bring.

Back to Orange County, a mile or so away from Haven Gastropub, Hollingshead Deli has an even longer line:

courtesy Chad Limpanukorn, Brewluminati.

courtesy Chad Limpanukorn, Brewluminati. Brown-jacket man is the line enforcer.

Needless to say, if you’re not standing in one of these lines, you’re probably not getting any today. Your last chance in Orange County is next Monday the 27th at Selmas in Ladera Ranch. Check their fb/twitter for details.

“Beer, if drank with moderation, softens the temper, cheers the spirit and promotes health.” – Thomas Jefferson

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Daniel Fernandez
13 years ago

I was standing under the big “Staples” sign. That’s a damn good beer. First aroma and taste was a little too clean and crisp for my taste. But the 12oz pour at Hollingshead’s gave it time to warm and open a bit. Very well done beer.

Chad Limpanukorn
Chad Limpanukorn
13 years ago

I arrived at 8:00 AM today and was taken by surprise by the 100 plus people already in line, forcing me to take my place at the Staples entrance door. One of the Hollingshead staff told me the line started forming at 4:30 AM. The line moved slowly due to the small drinking space inside thus giving an illusion we were all waiting for an amusement ride from hell at Disneyland where we only got on as people were willing to get off the ride. The beer you asked? Oh yeah. It’s no hype. The best beer ride I ever… Read more »